

Services we offer

Here at Serenity we deliver a variety of methods through a Christian faith-based approach to help deal with regulating emotions and managing mental wellbeing within every aspect of one's life. We deliver our services to Individuals, groups, schools, hospitals, residential care homes, workplaces and outdoor communities, events, and online platforms. Serenity offers the following services tailored to the individual or to the group's needs. A variety of our services are delivered with a Christian faith-based approach and anyone is always welcome. If individuals request not to have the sessions delivered with a christian faith-based approach, that's absolutely fine and can be accommodated to also.

Mindfulness for Children

MIndfulness Is about acknowledging and observing the thoughts for what they exactly are, which are just thoughts. In simple terms Mindfulness is simply to live in the moment. Here at Serenity we use scriptures and a biblical approach.A wonderful way to help individuals deepen their spiritual connection while cultivating mindfulness. Mindfulness, when paired with Bible teachings, can help individuals focus on the present moment and experience God’s presence in a more intentional and reflective way. At Serenity we provide three mindfulness workshops. All of the skills and exercises provided throughout these workshops are tailored towards the groups and their age ranges and thus may vary in the way they are delivered. These workshops consist of:

1) For primary and secondary school child age groups.
A common workshop will consist of:
- An introduction to mindfulness and meditating on the biblical word.
- Simplifying your life.
- Using the imagination.- The magic of expressing gratitude.
- Practising mindful eating and activity.
- Mindfulness Exercises. ( including colouring, Ledgering ).
- Meditation Exercises.
- Mindful Movements.
- How to establish a mindfulness practice for yourself.
- A take away activity pack and resources.
2) For work environments.
- An introduction to mindfulness and the origin of meditating with the biblical word.
- Mindful approaches at work.
- Combating stress and anxiety within the working environment.
- The magic of expressing gratitude within the working environment .
- Mindfulness Exercises within the working environment .
- Meditation Exercises within the working environment.
- Maintaining concentration within the working environment.
- Mindful movements within the working environment.
- How to establish a mindfulness practice at the workplace.
Takeaway pack and resources.
3) For residential care settings and the wider community.
- An introduction to mindfulness and the
- Breathing exercises.
- Mindful Body Scan.
- Mindfulness mind mapping.
- Mindful journaling.
- Mindful therapeutic colouring.
- Mindful movements.
- A takeaway pack and resources.
Private sessions are also offered on an individual one to one basis or in family and small
Within these private sessions a wide range of strategies are used to manage one's feelings
and tackle deeper emotions and issues one may be facing such as anger, anxiety,
depression, stress,
a sense of loss and more.
Further to this, breathing techniques, mindfulness exercises and meditation exercises are
and tailored towards the individual's needs within a creative, engaging manner. Journals,
worksheets and exercises are also provided with each activity for follow up on a weekly
basis or monthly basis.
“Be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Romans 12:2).

Mindfulness in nature.

At Serenity we also offer mindfulness in nature. Workshops or sessions will consist of the following tailored to the age group and needs of individuals enabling each person to harness benefits from their time within nature for themselves and slow down. Mindfulness in nature includes some of the following activities and scripture readings and also many more;

- Outdoor Arts and crafts.
- Outdoor Baking.
- Rock painting.
- Hut building.
- Nature walks.
- Treasure hunts.
- Build your own fire.
Create your own light catcher.
Nature is God’s reset button for our minds, bodies, and spirits.

Cooking with Serenity.

Serenity offers a Christian faith-based cooking workshops, where we blend culinary skills with biblical wisdom. Whether you’re looking to deepen your understanding of biblical nutrition, hospitality, or expand on your cooking skills with healthy friendly meals, this workshop will equip you with practical skills and spiritual insights in making nutritious meals.

Serenity with animals.

Serenitys Bible and Animals Workshop is a fun and engaging way to connect children or adults with biblical teachings through the lens of God’s creation. Animals are abundant in Scripture, and they can help us understand lessons about God’s care, creation, and His teachings but also provide a scene of Calms to us as individuals. At Serenity we offer services with animals. Allowing individuals to spend time with fish, rabbits,dogs, cats, terrapins, and many more for a beneficial mental well being experience and a relief from stress, anxiety and the daily challenges of life.
Animals carry a mood lifting Ambience, they also carry wonderful traits of honesty and authenticity. It has be proven that there are a variety of benefits that improve one's mental health including relief from depression,anxiety, trauma, relationship difficulties. Spending time with animals engaging with them, feeding them and being in the present moment with them can benefit one's mental health by enabling one to be calm, be connected, reduce blood pressure and reduce heart rate and enabling individuals to open up and deal with the difficulties they are facing and access the peace they need in the midst of their storm. This workshop consists of several engaging activities and a takeaway pack. “ Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals….’ And it was so” (Genesis 1:24)

Mudra and Mudra Kids Serenity

Mudra and Mudra Kids Serenity through hand movements (Mudra Workshops).

Mudra is a word that refers to a symbolic gesture or attitude. Mudras unite the body and mind,enabling a space to generate inner peace.
Mudras are hand poses that are carried out to connect one to the energy generated from these specific movements.

Mudras hand and finger poses include stretching, bending, moving, and stimulating sensory neurons at nerve endings, which have a pathway connection to conducting brain reflexes. Having contact with the fingertips activates the neurons, which trigger brain stimulation and directs the flow of energy to various parts of the body.

Mudras are linked and cooperate with the right and left hemispheres of the brain as the nerve pathways at the end of the hands hold a large space in the brain. Within the base of the skin, the nerve cells are found.
These nerve cells become more concentrated in our palms and fingertips. When mudras are being practised, the neurons become highly activated, delivering effective results.

This can create a unique and enriching experience that helps participants connect with God through physical mindfulness, prayer, and Scripture.

At Serenity, we offer two workshops; Mudra and Mudra Kids. We also offer private sessions tailored to the individual's needs all within an engaging and age appropriate manner.

Mudra: A typical workshop can consist of the following:

An introduction to what a mudra is.
How Mudras work/ symbolism.
What the fingers represent.
A brief history of Mudras.
Practices of specific Mudras.
Breathing exercises.
Takeaway activities and activity packs and resources

Arts and Crafts with Serenity

At Serenity we provide a creative, hands-on workshop in admiring precious stones for their beauty and colour. A variety of arts and craft activities. A workshop can include Individuals exploring the patterns and pictures of various precious stones, creating precious stones calendars, precious stone bottles along with other activities.

Content changes on a regular basis. Group and one to one sessions are also available. “The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone”. Revelation 21:18-20

Sound/Music Therapy.

Music Therapy Is the use of music, specialist instruments and sounds all expressed within a therapeutic manner to benefit and improve the health and wellbeing of individuals. The goal of music therapy at Serenity is to create a peaceful and harmonious environment. The various benefits in Music therapy consist of ;At Serenity we offer one to one sessions, small group and family music Therapy sessions, all tailored to the individual’s or child’s needs. At Serenity we use a variety of tonal tuned instruments, including drums, bowls, shakers and much more. “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:19).

● Emotional and physical healing.
● Improved sleep.
● Improved relaxation.
● Improved self-awareness.
● Reduced stress levels.
● Decreasing blood pressure and reducing one's heart rate.

Relaxation Therapy.

Relaxation Therapy helps one feel a sense of clarity and calmness, free from stress, anxiety and tension from their immediate surroundings and the outside world. There are various benefits from relaxation therapy, these include; improved sleep, improved focus, reduced stress and anxiety,pain management,reduced blood pressure and inflammation. At Serenity we offer one to one relaxation therapy sessions, tailored to the needs of the individual. With our knowledge and skills we provide various relaxation therapy techniques that are the most appropriate for each individual’s concerns in relation to scripture reading to.“My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” Exodus 33:14.
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